Elementary is so different than middle school. You are always on stage trying to keep their attention. I never see jobs at William Penn on Aesop. ( I only subbed there about 4 times) I do see jobs at Freemansburg. I hope to see you soon. You can always email me at [email protected].
school is going better. not great, but better. it's so much of a change and hard to get used to the change in attention spans, lol. I keep saying "HELLO.... I'm up here.... I'm waiting!!!" UGH!! But they're cute and I only have them for 45 minutes and they leave and the day goes by quickly. Wish you were here to talk to!! I have no one really to talk to at all at Freemansburg. The staff is much nicer at William Penn, I just don't like the layout of the school there. Open concept. Who thought of that one?!!! They were nuts!! So distracting for me and the kids, lol. Hope to see you one day soon!! Take care!
I still get an error message! It won't even let me post a pic on the board as an attachment. I don't know what I am doing wrong. It let me post the icon one without any problem. My kitties are my life. I love them so much! I love them as much as my husband.
I would be lost without my kitties. Did you ever get help with the albums on this site?
Sorry that you've had problems with the albums. How are the kitties?
How's it going?
You need to write the Mayor, Karen.
http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=165604 This tells you how to activate the album feature.
What type of error?
I'm so glad you found a little guy to add to your family! All introductions take time, and your older guy is probably grieving for his lost Princess. Give him time, lots of love, and he will come through it. It took my guys a long time to get over the loss of Finae last year. My Boris still over grooms herself at times, but she's getting better. She was with Finae since she was 4 weeks old... so very attached. Don't forget to post pics in Cat General of your sweet little new one, and of Butler of course! By the way... I won't be seeing you at EH next year. I got the boot. I'll be at Hanover and Asa for library. They chose Dave Beck to be the librarian at EH and NE. Oh well. Starting over is never easy, but I guess I can look at it as a fresh start. Will miss everyone at EH. I was finally feeling like I had a "family" again after losing mine at Farmersville and Buchanan. So much for that though I guess. At least I still have a job, so I can't complain.
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