Man sinks pint, fiancee sinks van

One last pint cost a Cumbrian man his fiancee and all of his worldly possessions.

Jason Wilson, 24, wanted to stay out for a final pint but fiancee, Emma Thomason, wanted to go home.

Enraged, she put everything he owned, from clothes to CDs, in his £10,000 van and drove it into the harbour near their home in Whitehaven.

The couple, who have two children together, have now called off their August wedding, reports Metro News.

They had bought the wedding rings, Miss Thomason's dress and just 24 hours before the row had booked a £2,000 honeymoon to the Caribbean.

Mr Wilson, now living with friends, said: "'I can't go back to her if she has a temper like that. I can't live with that for the rest of my life - I don't think nobody could."

The first Mr Wilson knew of his company van's plight came was when his boss, Graham Wilson, no relation, called him.

The van was left in 12ft of water. Finally, it was hauled back up the slipway using winches, which had to be attached by a professional diver.

Boss Mr Wilson added: "I haven't had the bill yet. I just hope that the insurance company are prepared to pay out."

Police confirmed that a woman had been questioned and bailed.


She bailed out of jail or bailed out the van?

You have to look at the bright side.....he can replace everything.....including the gal!

Hell hath no fury like a woman with the keys to your van.