My technology teacher wanted me to come to extra help after school, since I was like...failing his class. The only day he was having it was today, and he was making me come, or else he would call home. So I asked him how I was going to call home and ask my parents if I could stay after (I did not have change for the payphone, and it was busy when I called in the A.P.O.). He said "Well you are going to have to pull some strings here!" Finally I found my sister and told her to tell my parents to come back to pick me up at 4:30. I come there after school, and he tells me he's leaving, and that I'll have to finish my project at home. I go in, get my stuff, and leave, I was SO ticked (But I was with my friend this whole time). I went to the A.P.O. to call my parents again, busy! So I was stuck in the school for an hour with my friend. Finally at 4:30, my parents come back. Ugh. Just had to vent.