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Thread: Omg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    UK, Cornwall (the Heart of England.


    Well today is nothing unusual for this time of year, Fog, Rain, Wind and more Fog.
    But what the **** ill take the puppers (Rio and my mums dog Beth) for a walk on the moors!!!
    so off i went, i couldnt see my hand in front of my face, they were running like mad having fun!!
    then they stopped dead barking, growling and everything, i thought it was a sheep or somthing so i kept going!!
    i hate the dark and fog because you cant see anything!!
    i got home and mum and her friend were talking about MURDERS, and how that there had been a murder yesterday on the other side of the moor that i was on a few seconds ago!!!
    What were my puppers going beserk at???
    who knows but im not going there alone in fog or dark again!!!
    Ky and Rio
    Ky = Me, Rio, the new addition Donnie and Tia (the fuzzy ferts) = My Love My Life My All.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Miami, Florida
    SCARY! that reminds me of the movie the others with all the fog and stuff.. Glad you were ok and good job to the puppers! What did you do after they were barking and growling? RUN!?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    UK, Cornwall (the Heart of England.
    Yer ive seen The others its a good film!!
    no i didnt run cos i thought is was a sheep or cow or somthing (i couldnt see anything) so i just kept walking, oblivious to what happened the day before!
    but im glad the dogs were alert and noisy!!!
    Ky and Rio
    Ky = Me, Rio, the new addition Donnie and Tia (the fuzzy ferts) = My Love My Life My All.

  4. #4
    Scary! Glad to hear you're all okay.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quarter Horses, the best around
    How scary!! were you alone?! I would have grabbed the dogs and ran! Glad your alright.

    Got a need for speed, and a passion for barrel racing.

    You've never ridden a horse until you've fallen off.

    Adopt one until theres none.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    Holy crap! You were probably very close to it! That is soo scarry. Are your dogs big? Would they have been able to protect you? Who was murdered? Was the body right there? I wonder if you were close to the murderer. Wow.

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Denville, NJ
    That is very scary! It may be a good thing you never found out what it was. Maybe you should inform the authorities so they can check out the area?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    UK, Cornwall (the Heart of England.
    the moor is a huge massive hill and on the other side was were the murder was the day before, a women body was found in the "pony pool" (there are many large lakes on the moorand this one is somewhat hiden) and i would of thought that the police were either on the other side or not there!!! (it wasnt a big thing with police everywhere! which i hate) the dog are big Rio is a rottie x lab and Beth is a fat BC!
    i had no idea of this murder so i wasnt any more scared than being out in the fog on the moors, i didnt report this because i saw nothing etc,
    Ky and Rio
    Ky = Me, Rio, the new addition Donnie and Tia (the fuzzy ferts) = My Love My Life My All.


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