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Thread: my hamsters

  1. #1

    my hamsters

    Hi everybody I'm new here and looking at other messages I guess not may of you are familiar with pet hamster issues. But I have a male and female hamster I'm raising so once the female has babies I can sell baby hamsters for some few dollars each. But my hamsters recently started fighting and I wanted to know if anybody has an idea how I can devide their 10x20 glass aquarium in half on the inside so they can't fight anymore.

  2. #2
    Is there any way you can get another cage?

  3. #3
    i might have to

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I'd definitely get another cage if I were you. What kinda hamsters are they? Syrian? Dwarf hamsters?

  5. #5
    yes, you should really get another cage..i had 2 teddy bear hamsters a while back, male and female, i couldnt leave them together for a second

  6. #6
    They are short haired; tan colored teddy bear hamsters. So yes they are known to fight and I knew this when I got them but I'm wanting to make some money selling baby hamsters when the female gives birth. I'm not sure if the female is pregnant yet but I'm about 60 % chance sure my female hamster is pregnant, because right when I put the female in with the male he was already sniffing and chasing her around.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Teddy bear hamsters are syrian hamsters. Syrians are known for being solitary creatures. They like to be alone. If they're fighting you need to separate them and only put them together when the female is in heat if you want babies. When the female is in heat they will most likely not fight.

  8. #8
    do you know how i can tell if the female hamster is in heat? i sure don't...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

  10. #10
    I have been having my male hamster almost a year now and i just baught the female this week and earlier today i was watching them play in their wheel and they suddenly started to jump on top each other and fight, i simply would of thought they were just playing around if they wasn't both squeeling badly like they was in pain which i'm sure they was in pain from hurting each other. But other then this issue today they have been like perfect mates.

  11. #11
    Teddy bear hamsters/ Black bear hamsters/ Golden hamsters/ Panda hamsters/ Polar bear hamsters are ALL the *same* breed, called syrians.

    You can *never* house these together, they are solitary and *will* kill each other eventually.

    I'm sure you don't want to wake up to a bloody mess.

    Syrian hamsters can have up to TWENTY babies.

    Do you honestly have cages for them all?

    If your hamster had 20 babies, you would need 20 safe wheels (Not the wire rungs), 20 good sized, safe cages, you would need to buy bedding for them all, what if one gets ill? what if they're all ill? You will need to pay the vet bills for them, which can get pricey.

    Make sure they go to suitable homes, not homes that have not done the research on hamsters. You need to screen potential owners.

    You will LOSE alot more money in breeding hamsters than you will make from it.

    Just so you know.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Khay

    Syrian hamsters can have up to TWENTY babies.

    Do you honestly have cages for them all?

    If your hamster had 20 babies, you would need 20 safe wheels (Not the wire rungs), 20 good sized, safe cages, you would need to buy bedding for them all, what if one gets ill? what if they're all ill? You will need to pay the vet bills for them, which can get pricey.

    Make sure they go to suitable homes, not homes that have not done the research on hamsters. You need to screen potential owners.

    You will LOSE alot more money in breeding hamsters than you will make from it.

    Just so you know.

    words from my mouth!
    Owned by two little pastries!


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