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Thread: A sad day for me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens

    A sad day for me

    A day I have not been looking forward to - saying "I'll see ya later girl" (but never good-bye as that sounds too final).

    My granddaughter left to go back home and finishing packing for college - move in day at the dorm is next Sunday. She has been ever present here since she was born - splitting time between us (her Dad), and her mother. I can hardly remember a weekend in 18 years that she hasn't been here, and now that has all come to an end. In spite of being strong, I couldn't hold back the tears as she was leaving.

    Of course I'm thrilled for her and the new life she is embarking on, and I know that she will be so successful with whatever she chooses to do, but I'm sure going to miss her. She is so nervous and apprehensive right now. She has never been away from family for more than a week at a time - I'm hoping she'll have an easy transition.

    She's only going to be about 2.5 hours away from here - not like she was clear across country - but still.............. My son bought webcams for here and for her, so we'll get to see her frequently, and there will be occasional day trips up to see her too. She's already talking about her 3 week Christmas break!

    Both sets of parents will be driving up for move in - 2 SUV's full of her things. I'm not going - too much to do and an extra person around will just be in the way. Besides - I don't really want to see how her Dad is going to take it when it's time to leave her there and come back home without her. She's his first born - his baby girl.

    Somehow, weekends just won't be the same around here.........
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    But it's a happy day, too - the start of her new, exciting future! Hmm, shall we send subliminal message to your pups to keep you a little extra occupied?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Aw Ellie, it'll be ok. I was the same way when the boy went to college and he went to Akron U, which was only 35 minutes away. He worked full time and went to school full time so I didn't get to see him much. It wasn't even that so much; it was the fact that my boy was in college. The years just flew by. It'll be so sweet when she comes home for visits. After the first visit, it'll get easier.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You'll be ok Ellie.
    Little birds grow feathers and fly away.
    It's happened to my first two.....the other will be gone soon to.
    Look on the bright side.....she's just a phone call away.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    Thanks guys. I'm feeling better this morning.

    I didn't feel this bad when my own 2 flew the coop, but they didn't fly far. The furthest away was about 20 minutes. Then the little homing pigeon came back home with his own flock, and the rest is history. The other?? - whereabouts unknown!
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    If you scare me like that again I'm going to drive to Delaware and smack you, Ellie! I saw the title of that thread and it made me heart stop! Now that I've calmed down.

    I know you'll miss her desperately, but this is the start of a wonderful new life for her, and you must concentrate on that. It'll be OK - she's going to be just around the corner.

    ​GO RAVENS!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Pom- I stitch elastic into his britches...that way he can only go sooooooo far before he snaps back.

    Plan some day trips, just you and she. I know you will miss her horribly. Come visit us in Ohio...that will keep you busy for a few days.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    14,038 sweet, Ellie. When my daughter moved to NC I lost it completely and I'm still missing her every day. We talk every day without fail. I'm so glad she's coming down in October.

    It should get easier as you go along(I hope). {{{{{ELLIE}}}}}

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    I know how you are feeling. My daughter just went back yesterday to college for her third year. She is only about 2 hours away also but still it is tough. Hang in there!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinot's Mom View Post
    If you scare me like that again I'm going to drive to Delaware and smack you, Ellie! I saw the title of that thread and it made me heart stop! Now that I've calmed down.
    Sorry for the scare Maggie. However, if it had been about what you're thinking, the title would have been - "I'm Devastated!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post

    Plan some day trips, just you and she.
    We're one step ahead of you there - we've already conspired to do just that! She has no classes on Fridays - this semester anyway. And talk about a "gravy" schedule - her earliest class during the rest of the week is 10 a.m. Maybe they'll sock it to her the next semester!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post sweet, Ellie. When my daughter moved to NC I lost it completely and I'm still missing her every day. We talk every day without fail. I'm so glad she's coming down in October.

    It should get easier as you go along(I hope). {{{{{ELLIE}}}}}
    Thank goodness she's not that far away. She was debating between 2 different schools - one in RI and one in NJ. We're all so glad she opted for NJ, since RI just doesn't fall into the day trip mileage range!

    Quote Originally Posted by happylabs View Post
    I know how you are feeling. My daughter just went back yesterday to college for her third year. She is only about 2 hours away also but still it is tough. Hang in there!
    We'll have to get together for a drink so we can cry in our beer!
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Northern cyberspace
    Just reading this now Pom and the title scared me too. Just a bit too far to go smack you though I know the feeling, When my 3 left for college I went through all the emotions you're going through, and it didn't get easier by the third time. But we all survived although the holidays when they came home was so special. And there were trips between although mine were 6 and 8 hours away.
    Your grandaughter will feel so lost at first but it doesn't take them long to make friends. Your grandaughter has a good head on her shoulders so don't worry too much, I'm sure she'll do just great.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    I just went into her bedroom to lower the window blind that I just noticed was part way up.

    There is a small plaque on her wall I had never noticed before - a picture of an adult tiger and a young tiger looking up at it. The caption reads: "No matter how tall I grow, I will always look up to my Dad".

    LES again..........
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~


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