Yesterday was so beautiful! amost 74 degrees! I couldn't believe it! So when I got home from riding class, I took Harley and the little stray that has taken up residence in Shyannes old doghouse outside, so the river. They had a blast!

Harley headed straight for the water, lol

next, he combs the beach

the little stray that has been at the house. I put an add in the paper but noone had called about him. My house seems to be a sray magnet, lol.. they always show up on my doorstep.... it's like I have a sign outside saying "come here" anyways... he has been here a week now, so I started calling him Charley. He looks like a Lab mix and is probably around 4 months. I'm going to stop by the pound hopefully tomarrow and see if anyone has reported him missing there and see if he has a microchip in. He has a red collor on and knows how to sit, so hopefully someone is missing him. He's definately starting likeing going for car rides with me, lol. I always take him with me and Harley when we go somewhere. At first he didn't even want to get in the car, now, everytime the door opens, he hops in, lol... I'm always late now cause I have to fight him to get him out if the car when I go anywhere.

the boys playing in the water. Harley kept trying to get charley to play in the water with him, but he wouldn't go any farther then his paws
