... That I am very glad I found this forum and this website. I really do visit it every day and I truly enjoying looking at all of the new faces and ones from the past. What a wonderful way to celebrate our pets and how much they mean to us !

I also enjoy reading all of the postings. I learn new things and see that there are many other people out there who feel just like I do. It's great to know that if I have a question or a problem or need advice that there will be a lot of people out there who will help out and give a wide variety of opinions and views. I am an open minded person so this works out perfect . This is a fantastic way to discuss things that are very important to us. If you work with people who aren't "pet people" or "dog people" or if you have friends that don't understand your fixation with your animals then where do you turn? Who do you talk to? Well, this place has solved that problem. Thanks to you all who visit here and keep me entertained, up to date and always thinking about my sweet little girls
