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Thread: anyone help me?

  1. #1

    anyone help me?

    I have such a problem. I have been wanting a new pet for a really really long time. I posted something about that in general. I have no clue what to get. I was thinking Rats, Hamster, Guinea Pigs. Then I thought about it. How about rescue a shelter dog? But my dad...He would never let me have another dog. But Maybe..
    He is So hard to convince and show responsibility too! But sometimes it can. The only reason why he says no prolly cause of money. And I have $56.00 and I could buy the supplies and he buys the dog? Could that work?Someone please help me! Im desprate! Im a true Animal Lover! please.

    P.S. Look at this Funny, Cute picture of Katie (My Dog) In a baby Swing in the Park! *She is Smiling* lol
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    It is understandable to want another pet. Pets are wonderful. And to offer to pay for supplies shows true interest. But in the long run ( a lifetime of food, supplies and vet visits) $56 will pobably not go too far. Why don't you do some reserch on different types of pets, their needs, life spans, etc. and this will go a long way to help your dad see your true interest and willingness to get a pet within your means. Keep in mind that parents will be ultimately responsible for a pet that a child loses interest in (no offense meant, I am just trying to show their point of view) So when a parent says no it is not meant to hurt the child, it is meant to say they are not willing (or able) to make that commitment. (and I only mean "CHILD" in the sense of a person living under their roof who is under legal age. This could mean 17 as easily as it means 7) Actually, I hope you can get a new pet of some sort, so good luck.

  3. #3


    Thankyou very much! I understand what you mean. One time I was cleaning out the litter box *In the computer Room* and my dad was on the computer. and when I was done he said:

    My Dad: You Dont plan on gettin another pet?
    Me" No why?
    My Dad: Cause I see you have been looking up information on rats, guinea pigs.
    Me: Just wanted to look up on them.
    My Dad: Okay cause you know your arnet gettin another pet.
    Me: I Know

    This happened a couple days ago...

    Maybe I should of told him the truth cause I was wanting another pet!


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