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Thread: [[-Sigs, Blinkies, Avs, or Icons?-]]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    [[-Sigs, Blinkies, Avs, or Icons?-]]


    I am pretty bored right now, and I feel like making some sigs, avs, or blinkies! Please, only 3 requests at once, and then I'll tell you if I feel like making more!

    If you would like one, please give me~

    1) the name(s) of your pets
    2) some colors/ phrases you like (optional)
    3) Some pictures of your pet(s)!

    Note: I would like to have no more than 2 pets per sig, please, because the more pets I have to put in, the lower quality the sig will be.

    Note: Since I do take some time to make these, I would appreciate if you used them for at least a week and a half-- do not ask me for something if you're not going to use it! thanks!

    I will try and post some examples later. I also made the sig I'm using now, but I'm sure I could do better.

  2. Oh wow!!!!

    I want one, for your forum please, and one for this one too! An Easter one with Lexi, and a regular one for Lexi as well. A set for can make which ever first and then wait a couple days if you like for the other. I would love for you to do it!

    Ok, any colours, any phrase, on the Easter one have like happy easter or something. LOL! You are amazing Devon!

    Take your time! LOL, sorry, I'm VERY hyper!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    okay, I'll get started asap, I have to go eat dinner and take a shower first.

    Here is an example sig-- it's of Dancer. (Hope you don't mind, Amanda, that bun is just too darn cute! )
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  4. Oh thats very cute! I don't mind...take your time! After all, I owe you time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Here is your sig, Lexi_Lover, Sorry it's so bad I'm going to be more busy than I thought tonight.... so, I'll try to get your av and blinkie to you tonight, but you might have to wait till tomorrow.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

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