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Thread: Funny Bettas

  1. #1

    Funny Bettas

    I was trying to grab some pics today, but just when you need it, your camera runs out of batteries and you have no more.

    I switched my betta boys tanks...something was wrong with Tequila, my orange one, for the second time in about two weeks since I got him a new bowl and set it up by me. So I decided maybe there's too much activity here, and decided to switch them, because Elvis is much more out going. (I did water changes, of course).

    Well I have different rock in there, smooth blue pebbles, versus what Elvis has, some gravel rock. Its hilarious, all Elvis does now is try to push the pebbles around, come up for air, lay down seeing if its comfy, come up and flare at something, and do it over again. He truly enjoys his new pebbles. Right now I wish my camera worked...he's laying pretty much spread out on his pebbles.

    BTW, compared to like 3.99 in the fish section at walmart, I went to the craft part of walmart and they had a huge bag of "decorative stones" for $.99. Much cheaper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA and Proud of it


    Sunrise is so beautiful.I have never seen a betta that color

  3. #3
    Thanks. I have yet to conclude what color he is. He's mostly orange but when he flares he looks like...a neon red. So...he's just special.

    I'm having trouble with him though, I don't know what's going on. He won't eat for like two days, and he'll get really mopey. I'll do a water change or change where he is, and he starts eating again. But I don't understand, because I just did water changes like two days ago. I need like an economy sized bucket of the kent freshwater stuff. But I can't figure out if he's actually sick or just..bored. I use Aquarium Salt and a couple drops of betta fix, he shouldn't have anything...? lol I don't know.

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