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Thread: Fretting? *HELP*

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Fretting? *HELP*

    My other dog Piddle(shih-tzu)still hasnt got used to Jasper, and it'll be a month on the 2nd. He seems to be scared of Jasper, and he barks and growels and runs under the couch, upstairs with my grandparents or hides away somewhere if Jasper comes near him. He also has stopped eating, wagging his tail..etc. My mom keeps saying he is going to fret away? Could he fret away?

    It makes me really sad to see also, because Piddle is like my pride and joy, he always meant alot to me and just seeing his big bright eyes makes me smile, but its really hard to see him so sad and depressed, sometimes I even wish we hadn't gotten Jasper(even though I love him so much) just because Piddle was happy before and everyone paid alot of attention to him. When people come in we try to keep telling them to pay attention to Piddle too, but you know how people are with puppies....

    Is there anyway to help Piddle get used to him? Will he really fret? I am very worried about him, and I could use all the advice and suggestions given, thanks!

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    When bringing a new puppy into the home, it is VERY important to keep the resident dog's schedule as close to normal as possible. Little Piddle needs a lot of one on one attention. I know its hard since you have a puppy now also, but its really really important.

    Has Piddle ever lived with another dog before this? Has he played with other dogs before?

    Where do both dogs sleep and eat? Has Piddle changed his sleeping spot since Jasper came? Where are they when they're home alone? Are you crate training Jasper?

    Sorry to ask so many questions, but I can help better if I know a little more
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Piddle was the baby, when we got piddle we had a black lab named shadow(who died last year), and Wiggles a shih tuz/terrier, but they were there before him, this is the first time a new dog came into the house since we got him 2 years ago.

    But we still give him lots of attention, my parents take him and wiggles in the van almost everywhere they go, we play with him and basically the same as always, he goes for a walk almost everyday like before, he just doesnt walk around at home and he doesnt seem to be himself.

    Piddle used to sleep with me....and he doesnt now because Jaspers in the same room, so now he sleeps with my parents. During the day Piddle stays on the couch(because Jasper cant get up there yet) or he stays in my moms room or upstairs with my grandparents.

    Piddle doesnt eat dog food, all he will eat is meat or something we have cooked, or roast meat/turkey roll from the store, and my mom has to feed it to him, but lately he wont eat anything at all, and he always looks very sad and depessed.

    When we are gone, Jasper is either in his crate, or in the 'back room', but my grandparents say Piddle is still not much different when we are gone, but hes never been happy being home alone.

    Piddle is always normal when we're in the van and going for walks, he gets happier and back to normal, even if Jasper is walking with us, but hes not the same when hes home, especially with eating and just being happy....

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    I was in the same situation not too long ago too (minus the puppy part). Kai seemed to not care for Kaedyn then started looking a bit sad and wouldn't do was he usually did around the house. You need to give them alone time. They need time to bond also but alone time is just as important. We seperated them for a few days. One would be upstairs with my mom and one would be downstairs with me. Then I'd give them some time together through out the day. Just take it slow. Kai has started warming up to Kaedyn and has actually wanted to play with him.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I don't know how you feel about this, but I would put Jasper's crate in another room and emcourage Piddle to come sleep with you again. Even that little change could contribute to helping his depression.

    A new dog is very stressful and a lot to handle for the resident dog, especially if the new dog is a young puppy. You might want to also consider baby gating Jasper into a small part of the house and letting Piddle have free roam of the rest of the house for a couple weeks. Also, socializing Jasper with other dogs will help burn his energy so he won't be as interested in messing with Piddle (not sure if he does or not, but most puppies can't resist tormenting other dogs).

    I would talk to your vet and try to figure out a way to get Piddle back on dog food. Well I wouldn't do that until after you get him over his depression though. Trying to fix too many things at once won't work well.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Well Jasper is already used to roaming the house, and if we put baby gates up he would just bark/cry the entire day and that would drive my parents crazy.

    Also during the day(like right now)Piddle spends alot of time in my room with me, while the puppy is out with my parents in the living room. Im watching Piddle closely today, everytime he swallows, its like its hard for him to swallow, kind of like theres something in his throat, last night my aunt and uncle came out from kind of far away, and alot of my family were here, and they were eating moose steak or something, Im worried that someone might of gave Piddle a bone, he has vommited twice this morning and has been swallowing like that all day, if its not better by tomorrow I will probaby take him to the vet for x-rays or something I really miss the old Piddle and him sleeping with me and being himself

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Check his gums. If they are white, he needs to go to the emergency room.

    Also, go outside with him every time he goes out so you can keep an eye on his poop. If he's not pooping, he should go to the ER.

    I hope he's okay
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    Originally posted by aly
    I don't know how you feel about this, but I would put Jasper's crate in another room and emcourage Piddle to come sleep with you again. Even that little change could contribute to helping his depression.
    Yes, you need to bring Piddle back into his former sleeping place. Sleeping in your bed signified his place of hierarchy in the pack. Once Jasper came he was displaced to a lower rank by being put out of your bed (even though Jasper may not sleep there), not by Jasper but by you. He’s probably not an alpha personality, and therefor won’t challenge you but will become depressed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I will check his gums right away.

    Also I will probably put Piddle back in my bed tonight, but Jasper will wake everyone in the morning barking to get out, he wont stay asleep in his crate, and its not only my parents, they dont care, but my grandparents are just upstairs

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!


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