I adopted another dog last week (some of you probably remember the thread). So far Bo is doing great!!!

there is only one small problem, he seems to be a little bit dog aggressive. With my two dogs he is perfect, but when i am walking him he starts growling and goes really tense at the sight of any other dogs. It seems to be worse when he is leashed, that when he is free (in the garden with my dogs and my neighbours dogs).

I know he was not very well cared for in his previous home, and i doubt he was socialized very much. Any tips on how to make him more friendly to other dogs? I have quite a few friends with dogs, and i would love to have some more doggie "play dates" like i did before, but i don't dare until i know how Bo will react to other "strange" dogs.

at the moment Bo hasn't been neutered, i am holding off a couple of weeks until he fattens up a bit. he is still real thin, but looking better everyday! maybe after he is fixed, he will be a bit more tolerant of other dogs.