My poor Snoopy boy had more seizures last night. The first one was about 9:00 and was minor - just some drooling and tightening of the jaw. But about midnight the other dogs started barking and I knew it was Snoopy in trouble. I ran to the family room to his crate and saw a sight that just upset me so much. He had fallen backward in his crate and his jaw got pushed outside the crate so it was clamped around on of the metal pieces. I couldn't get him out of it! I started yelling for Carl even though the baby was asleep because I was so upset!!! He was able to get his jaw unclamped - I suppose because the seizure was ending. Poor Snoopy he was so scared - So was his mommy and daddy!!!! I slept in the family room - I was going to keep him in his crate as the vet advised that he was better off there because he couldn't fall off any furniture in it (and he doesn't sleep on the floor unless he is in a crate). But I ended up putting some blankets under him (during a seizure he can lose control of his bowels and bladder) and letting him sleep on the couch with me because he was whining and crying so much. He was okay when I petted him so I let him sleep right up against me.

About 4 am he had another one. And it was a lot worse. He did lose control of his bladder and bowel and he laid on his side and drooled and cried. It is such a sad sight to see. He handled it so much better than he did the first time he had seizures - I suppose cause I know what is happening now and even though I am panicking inside, I calmly talk to him and pet him. He is always a little disoriented after but he did calm down and sleep the rest of the night. As soon as the vet opened I called and they called an order of valium in for him. If he has another one, I give him valium and that should keep him from having any more.

Tomorrow I am taking him in to have his phenabarbitol level checked to see if it needs adjusting. Poor Snoopy - keep him in prayer that he won't have any more!