Anyone have a therapy dog? You know, like take them into see sick people or what not?

The lady who teaches Zeke's obedience said she thinks Zeke might be good at it cause of his sweet/calm nature. I never thought of it really, but when she said it I thought he probably would be great. He LOVES people patting him and loving him (if there are no dogs around, then it's his fav thing ever! )

Anyway, I was thinking of getting him tested, but I don't want it to be stressful for him either. I hear some people just cling and stuff to the dogs. I know Zeke wouldn't care, but still. I mean, my 3 yr old nephew (and 2 nieces when they were younger) always pull at the dogs or hang on them and they don't mind.

She said with Zeke's personality I can do anything with him I want.......

Anywho, I might have pics of him doing flyball in a couple of weeks. A girl who runs with us said she'd try to bring her cam next week and get some of him (maybe a video too!