My Gidget threw up quite a bit the other afternoon. Anyway we figured it was probably her since she didn't eat supper that night. She has since been eating (pretty much normal), drinking water, using the Potty as best I can tell (we have 4 kids and 3 litter boxes), I saw her in it earlier and covering up "something". She runs and jumps and is very lovable. I just combed her and she started rubbing up against me and purring. She just seems a little more sleepy than normal and occassionaly it looks like she is swallowing a little funny. My husband and I think she is OK and just may have irriated her throat from throwing up so much the other day. She hasn't thrown up again and seems pretty normal. She lets you pick her up and doesn't cry so I don't think she is in any pain or distress. She probably isn't getting as much sleep as she should since I keep waking her up to check on her and I certainly am not getting much sleep. If I thought it was serious I would rush her to the vet, but I don't want to traumatize her for nothing. Vet is closing soon today and there is an emergency vet available tomorrow if the need arises, but we are keeping careful watch on her and she has made improvements over the past couple of days. Seems herself most of the time. Is it possible she may have a bug and throat irritation? Your thoughts are appreciated.