Pregnant Woman Attacked By Own Dog

WETHERSFIELD, Conn. -- A pregnant woman is recovering after her own dog attacked her, NBC 30 reported.

Judy Malley was viciously attacked Thursday by her dog, a boxer named Elvis.

Slideshow: Dog Attacks Pregnant Owner

"The most upsetting part of that was having my son there and seeing that," said Malley.

Malley's six-year-old son, Michael, saved her life by running next door and enlisting the help of neighbor Jack Goldberg.

Goldberg is a retired police sergeant.

"I was already depleting and just wanting to lay down," said Malley. "My son is, in my eyes, just a miracle."

Goldberg came and pulled the dog off of Malley.

Michael Malley was honored with a police award for his bravery because, when he came back with Goldberg, he knew to call 911.

"I just gave the phone to him after I called 911," said Michael Malley.

After grabbing hold of the dog, Goldberg managed to lock him up in another room.

Malley was taken to the hospital, but then the dog got out and attacked the officers.

"Lt. Thomas Dillon was forced to discharge one round from his weapon, killing the animal," said Lt. Kevin Dillon with the Wethersfield Police Department.

Malley said she is so lucky to be alive and is coping with her pain.