Paul e-mailed some pictures of brand new son and here they are:

This one is right after they took Tyler (Missy had emergency C-Section) Tyler has some blood on him, but the surgery really is very quick with very little blood. He is hollering - but wouldn't you if someone lifted you put of your warm comfy bed and into a cold room??

Missy was able to see him briefly but not hold him quite yet because she had her IV and was in the OR. I recognize her lovely happy smile though!!

Then, Paul went with Tyler to the nursery for cleanup, statistics, vitals and a bath....then under the warming lights.

A little fuzzy here...

And now settled and content.

That is it for *minutes old* Tyler!! I will have more from Missy's room and then at home.

Thank you everyone who has been supportive and excited with my daughter on the birth of her first baby and my first grandson. This has made everything so much better for all of us to have other folks excited and happy!!