My girls are in a contest at again! This time they say that the 3rd & 4th winners recieve $50 for their choice of shelter - so even if we got one of those spots it'd be great!

Do you think you all could vote for one of them - Nala maybe?

Here's Nala's entry..

A lot of you are already registered with the site from voting for Kiara & Tibby, so it should be a lot easier than before.

If you're already a member:
Just sign in, go to the contest page, and click on whichever dog you'd like to vote for.

If you're not a member:
Go to the main page.
Register, confirm your e-mail, and then sign in.
Go to the contest page and click whichever dog you'd like to vote for.

To those who have voted, I'm willing to make you a sign photo from Nala. Just let me know what you'd like the sign to say.

Please vote for my Horsie girl. I feel kind of selfish for asking everyone to vote again, but anyway I can get money for our shelter is fine with me!