Thought that would get your attention!

Today we were discussing Elfie, and her leg. Its quite sad to see her walk. Her whole hip dips to the floor when she walks. Its as if she wants to use the leg that is not there You can see how it messes with her spine and the vet is very worried she'll have major spinal problems later in life. Then she not only dips, she twists her back right leg so far under her that it ends up on the left side --- is she trying to compensate and put the leg as a central pivot/balance point? I can't see that being much good for very long. I imagine that will cause a myriad of issues in itself in a few years.

I just can't see many people willing to adopt a kitten knowing full-well that she'll have life-long health issues. And most likely, these lifelong issues will be expensive.... medicines, surgeries, etc.

It breaks my heart! At this precise moment, she is sitting on my shoulder purring her heart out.

Grant looked at me after discussing what the vet says regarding her future of lifelong problems related to the missing leg, and said "well I guess you've got yourself a 3 legger." That one sentence made my heart soar with hope that I get to keep her, but it also made me realize I am totally in love with her already! I suddenly realized with immense clarity that as sweet and loving as they are -- I have the capacity to love them ALL. I will love them as long as they stay with me. If that means I foster them for another month or 6 years.... they will be loved and cared for the duration of their stay. But I need to keep them as fosters so that I can continue loving these wonderful little creatures that need me so much!