Ok, this sounds silly but I've noticed since I've joined PT, I feel the need to help animals more...

Like, when I was a kid if I saw a dog running around I would want to help it, but I wouldn't. I always would think "Oh it's owners are probably near" or "Someone will help it!" or other excuses.

A while ago I was driving somewhere to take pics, and I saw a dog run across the road. Believe it or nt, this is not unusual for this area. Out in the country people always have their dogs running loose in their yard. I kept going figuring that's all it was, but I kept thinking about it and felt really bad like "what if he gets hit?"
So I turned around, and found 2 people trying to get him; his owners. They couldn't get him out for the life of them, so I offered to take Josie out and maybe lure him out. It worked, but after they had him back on leash, Josie growled

A few weeks ago I saw a dog running around our yard sniffing my dogs from the other side of the fence. I kinda thought his owners were walking him with no leash (happens a lot) but I didn't see anyone. I put him in the fence and saw he has a humane society tag on. I called, and he lived only a block away so I took him back. I guess he got away (the owners didn't have him on a leash, and only put him back on when he kept trying to follow me to the car)

I guess it's so simple to make a quick call like that, and how helpful a little tag can be. I even made my mom stop on the highway, turn around (this was at 1am btw) and go back to an intersection so I could move a bag of chips from the middle of the road where a baby fox was eatting them...

I read all of the rescue's here on PT and it makes me so happy that there are good people out there. And I guess it has influenced me a lot to want to do the same. I mean, I've always loved animals more than anything, but i never thought of it from other points of view like the dog is lost or something.....

Anyone else feel this way?