I was thinking today, about the cats, Cookie included, and the one I had years ago, Lucy, (which now makes 5 cats in my life.)
and thinking about the stages of growing, how each stage is so cute...when they are kittens, they have that big ear look! and that funny walk as they grow, seems that the legs grow before the body can catch up!! especially the back feet, some kittens have huge back feet before the rest of them grow into them...
then there is the time when they learn to trust you, and they start jumping up onto things, which isnt always good, but I am proud of them anyway. I remember when Cookie was finally able to jump wherever Muffin did, it was really cute. she would jump here or there and have this look on her face , like LOOK AT ME, HAHA I CAN FOLLOW MUFFIN ANYWHERE NOW !
I like the way that they play "bite", when you play with them, but they don't really bite, just show you that they can, its funny.
My favorite is their paws, those little feet, ((of course only when the claws are trimmed well)), that attack as I throw a sheet over them, they all love that, they jump, bite and claw at it and my hands, and the way the use their back feet, in that almost running movement, isnt that cute?
I guess I am cat crazy, but I was just thinking of these things, and the way they look at you when they decide you are ok, and they let you pet them.

I have had Muffin since Nov of 2000, she is 2 years old, my cat Lucy, I had her with me from age 9 weeks old til she was 2, then she disappeared one day, in Ca. (another reason to not let pets out alone I guess)
I am looking forward to seeing all these cats grow older, since I havent had a cat more than 2 years, I hope to have these cats around a long time. I only had Cookie with me 11 months.
I guess I am just hoping they will live long lives, I hear about all these people that have had their cats for years, and I never have had one for very long, dogs, but not cats.
I wonder how much cats really change as they get older?