Sunday I took Tinky and Jupiter to Pet Smart for the first time.....
I put them both in the carrier cause I didn't know how they were gonna react.... Tinky HATES the carrier.. I felt so bad for her cause she looked so scared in there but I figured she needs to learn that the carrier doesn't always mean that were going to the vet.... but my big goofball Jupiter didn't care at all that he was in the carrier he just sat there lookin goofy...
I was shopping for harnasess and leashes for them so I can take them outside....
A girl that works there helped me DRAG Jupiter out of the carrier and we fitted him with a harnass and he just sat in the buggy real calm... he did real good then I PULLED Tinky out and, poor girl, she wrapped her front paws around me so strong... I just hugged her so tight... after we got the harnass on her we put them down to see what they would do and Jupiter tried to crawl under a shelf and Tinky just sat there in a scared little ball..... I don't know if I will ever take them in there again... I just needed to fit them for their harnasses... Tinky just hated it so and I don't want her to be so uncomfortable.... Well now if it will just quit raining I can take them outside and TAKE SOME PICTURES!!!!!!