Sunday I took T & J to Pet smart to buy some harnasses and leashes... and today they have experienced the outside for the first time... BOY WERE THOSE LITTLE NOSES AT WORK... when I first sat Tinky down she immediately started CHEWING CHEWING CHEWING CHEWING on the grass .... she is sooo cute... Jupiter chewed some but he seemed to want to look around more .... It was real cute... they stayed close to the spot where I sat them down and didn't seem to want to wander too far... We have these super tiny bugs that hop around in the grass and when Tinky saw those she had a HAY DAY!!! I have never seen her more confused.... about 10 little bugs pop up at the same time and she didn't know which one to I took some pictures... I have to go get them developed... I should have them up by tomorrow or Sunday....