My baby girl Mitsoux was a 2 year old siamese manx, god rest her soul, she was the most loving thing ever, she would give kisses all the time and had to be around you 24/7, she had her wierd little things like everyone does, she loved junk food, my mum would come after work with her snack and sit in my room to watch T.V and Mitsoux would be right there like c'mon I'm cute, where's mine and they would share everything, every snack my mum had Mitsoux had too she even tried to drink my mum's drinks lol the other thing she loved was napkins, don't ask me why but we had napkins on our dining room table one night and found them chewed up upstairs infront of my parents room, so we got some more and sure enough same thing she would hop up on the table and steal the napkins and she loved to chew on plastic bags, I hated when she did that cause it scared me, so i would get her to stop and 2 mins later she was right back at it. sorry for venting my sorrows but I was using petlynx, first time ever and they had found her so i went up there and it turns out she was deceased when they found her, why do cats insist on going outside, she was an indoor cat, she got out on the 7th and was picked up on the 8th, I'm sorry but no one understands why I'm upset, she was a part of the family, I hope there are some cat lovers on here who can share some stories about how they reacted when their pets passed on, I need to know that I'm not being stupid crying over a cat, thank you