If you haven't seen Zsa-Zsa's story, please see it in cat general.

Words can't really express how I feel right now, but I must say this : I feel priveliged to have had a wonderful, gentle companion by me for my whole life, who has grown up with me and never left my side. It was her time to go, I wish there had been something we could have done, but she had to go on. She is resting in peace now and can be with her brother. I must try and stay positive, she would not want tears and sadness but she would ant celebration that she lived with me. She can be with me forever in my thoughts now.

I just wrote a very quick poem, to just dedicate to her

A Tribute to Zsa-Zsa, a friend and the most wonderful companion
Copyright © to Miss Z.V.H 2006

Her eyes were a gentle golden glow
The peaceful gaze I used to know
Would never let self-pity show
She was from Heaven sent
Her coat in proud and shimmering grey
Ultimate beauty on display
Was kept in check to the very last day
Then softly, away she went

How pretty was her angel's face
How youthful was her placid grace
How could I ever replace
Perfection quite like that?
Even though I did not doubt
The candle flame was nearly out
Now I must try to live without
My love, my life, my cat.

Rest in peace Zsa-Zsa
24.03.90 - 19.07.06