Tell us something about you, something that we'd normally never guess about doesn't have to be embarrassing or too personal if you don't want.


- I weighed 3 lbs 3 oz when I was born
- I had an extra bone removed from my foot
- I played the Tuba in the school marching band
- I'm terribly afraid of the dark and always tote a dog around with me if I need to get up after everybody's gone to bed
- I never remember my dreams
- I still sleep with my blankie
- I *dislike* little children...especially if they have snotty noses
- I'm a boy scout
- I've never had a boyfriend
- I've never worn make-up...okay, once but thats it
- I can't stand the noise that a fork (or knife) makes when it touches somebody's teeth (or plate)!
- If I didn't want to be a Vet so badly I'd be a Coroner
- I avoid taking any sort of medicine at all costs
- I can't sleep in a bed where the sheets are all tucked in (like hotels!), I always pull them out first

Okay, thats all I can think of...

Your turn!