There is a beautiful Tortie hanging around. I thought she was the neighbors... maybe she is?? Her weight dont look bad, but she is always out and I always see her in my garbage and she been hanging close to my house a lot. She has a circle of fur gone on her upper tail too though. Around here the Humane society or animal control would put her strait to sleep. She wont come to me, but dont seem totally feral either. I could trap her... but then what? I cant take her to the vet at all and certainly cant keep her or risk infecting my cats with something. This is why I hate trailer parks!! I cant afford to feed her and the other million cats. And really with the way she looks im pretty sure she gets food somewhere besides my garbage. The other day I walked past her and she had some chicken strips out of the garbage... I just told her to enjoy them after I tried calling her and she gave me an evil look with a string of drool coming off her mouth.