Puddles The Hippo Dies At 44 At SF Zoo
Animal Euthanized Due To Health Complications

(BCN) SAN FRANCISCO The San Francisco Zoo said goodbye to a long time resident Friday after health complications with Puddles the hippopotamus forced officials to end the life of the 44-year-old father of 16.

Puddles had a full life with his mate Cuddles with whom he had eight male and eight female calves during his life at the zoo.

"Puddles was a very patient animal," Jim Nappi, a San Francisco Zoo keeper said. "He would always let his female companion, Cuddles, eat first and then take his turn. Some of his favorite treats to eat were oranges and pumpkins, which was always fun for visitors to watch. He was a joy to be around and will be missed by all of us."

Respiratory difficulty and trouble standing led to the decision to euthanize Puddles Friday morning, according to a statement from the zoo.

Most hippos live to be between 40 and 50 in a zoo setting. By hippo standards Puddles had a very full life.

Puddles was born in May, 1963 in the Kansas City Zoo before heading west in 1964 for San Francisco.

Hippos, native to Africa, are the third largest land animal and can weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Puddles weighed 3200 pounds.

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ok, I dont know why I felt this was important but I guess its sad to see a zoo animal pass on. Puddles lived a long and full life (16 offspring!!!!) but its sad to know his life is over. I know some people don't like zoo environments, but hey after 44 years of life the zoo keepers must have been doing something right! Adios Puddles!