Sherman is on the road to recovery.
It took a couple calls, but we found a vet's office that would take him at 10 am. They were very nice, and he's got anti-biotics and a cough supressant. He's been hacking his head off for 48 hours, but of course as soon as we walked into the vets, he didn't cough once.
Found out that RI only honors a 3-yr. rabies shot for 2 years ( ), so he also got his rabies now instead of next winter, and a vaccination against lyme disease (they have lots of it here).
He coughed again as soon as we got home, but I'm hoping by this evening it will subside. He can stay inside, too. Star's been exposed so if she gets it, she gets it They said some dogs appear to be carriers but not suffer from it themselves, so maybe she'll continue to be fine.
Thanks for all your good thoughts.