Here's the last of my crew of dogs. I don't have a picture of Delta (the foster dog) yet--well, I do, but he's a black blur in all of them LOL I don't think he's stopped running since he got out of the shelter a month ago.

This is Bandit. We are his third home. He's almost 6. He has been physically abused most of his life. We've had him for over a year now. We had been trying to convince our neighbor to give him up for several months, when they decided to move. They asked us to keep for a couple weeks until they got settled. We haven't heard from them since. One night several months after they moved we came home one night and found his AKC papers and a couple leashes in a bag by our door. We've had him microchipped and neutered. He's ours now! He's a dominant male, not great with other male dogs. VERY chatty. Bandit has something to say about everything. He lives in a smaller pen with Sleet. They get along very well.

And this is Antare, the lastest foster dog. He'll be one on Halloween. He's been at the shelter since he was 3 months old with his littermate, Delta. They came to live with us about 6 weeks ago.They are both very timid little guys, but Antare is coming out of his shell faster than Delta. He's a sweetie and great with other dogs.