Well we had an interesting alarm clock this morning. I woke up at 6:30 to a puppy whining. I can hear them easily from the bedroom with them around the corner in the livingroom. But this was so much closer. So I sat up and here is Dark Blue, happy as you please, wandering around our bedroom floor checking it all out and enjoying himself emensly. lol So we picked him up and gave him some lovings and then put him back. So now hubby is going to take out the partition in the door(since they have proven they can get over it) and we will just have to close the door from now on. A 2 foot wall should keep them in now for a while at least. lol

The second wonderful surprise was at their first crate session this morning. As you know I have been crate training the pups for the past 3 days. Tehy get 3 sessions a day at meal times. Well today was a huge break through. 5 out of the 6 boys walked into their crate on their own this morning to eat their breakfast. Only one had to be convinced to go in. I was so happy. All 5 walked in with tails wagging and went right to eating. I just placed them on the floor in front of their crate door and they walked right in like it was perfectly normal. Two of those five(Light Blue, my favorite and Light Yellow) didn't cry at all their whole five minute session. They just ate and then laid down. I was sooo proud of them.

So today has started off great to what will be a very busy day.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies