OK.... I have a question.

I am currently breastfeeding and I definitely intend to continue doing so.... but.... there are sometimes situations where I think it would be beneficial to have her used to taking formula also.

For example, Aunt Sandy has volunteered to babysit when we want a night out. At times like this I will not be able to breastfeed her obviously and after feeding her so often I don't really have much time or enough supply to pump also. I'm sure if I started pumping and feeding that my milk supply would increase but I would rather not do that. At this time it would be beneficial to send forumla.

Another example, at night right before hannah goes to bed she is often ravenously hungry for some reason. I feed her but when I breast feed her she often falls asleep at this time before getting the amount she really wants. I have been supplementing her with a bottle of pumped milk before bed so she goes to bed on a full tummy (this seems to make her happy and she falls asleep easily and sleeps well) because she doesn't fall asleep when taking a bottle. But my pumped milk supply is running low and i will either need to start pumping again while also breastfeeding her or I can supplement her with a little forumla.

I don't intend to ever switch exclusively to formula but I would like to use it sometimes. I don't see any reason that this couldn't be done but I would like tips on how to make the transition easier for her.

So far she has been very accepting to taking a bottle.... in fact the very first time I gave her a bottle she took it immediately without any problem. the nurse told me to introduce the bottle around 3 weeks of age when she has gotten used to breastfeeding but before she gets set in her ways.... I think it would be a good idea to introduce the formula during this period as well.

Any tips? or if this is NOT a good idea please tell me and I will figure out other ways. Has anyone else done this?