This news deserves a brand new thread!!

BraveHeart's kidney panel results were just given to me with the words "Don't give up yet!"

His BUN (normal is 10-30) was 180 and 1 week later is 103

His Creatine (normal is 0.3-2.1) was 8.2 and 1 week later is 5.3

His Phosphorous (normal is 3.4-8.5) was 20 and 1 week later is 13.3

So, even though these numbers are still quite high, they are moving in the right direction. And this was before he ate anything on his own.

Today, I was dissapointed that he had not eaten over night (like last night) but he ate some this afternoon and some this evening. (keep in mind I still am forcing him to eat more than he will eat on his own.

He still gets fluids once a day. And he gets a thyroid med twice a day.

Now on to the picture show

Sleeping baby

Begining to awaken

Move your tail so we can see your face!

Let the scritchies being!

AHHHHHH, thank you

I think I'll have a nibble.

Can you tell how I trimmed his fur? It is not a perfect groom, but it helps us keep him clean.