Yes guys believe it or not the one kitty that hates HATES the camera was the one who actually sat still and 'posed' for some pics today!!! I think we are going to have a snowstorm. LOL

Anyway, Miz Phoenix decided she would share herself today with PT. So nice of her considering she usually jumps ontop of the armoire whenever she sees me with camera in hand. I guess she felt she owed her loyal and loving fans some Phoenix time. LOL

Enough blabbing here is Phoenix.
She barely ever looks directly at the camera so most are side on.

Looking oh so sad. Poor girl has such a hard life.

Watching Vega making a fool of herself rolling around.

I don't know why but last second she looked directly at the camera and I have to say I like the outcome.

That's all for today!!! Who will be tomorrow's model????
