I have been looking at this KNOWING this was something Giz would love since she loves brushing so much and likes to take the brush and do her own face... Today I went ahead and got it for her and I didn't even have it put together before she was after it. This little video was shot hours after I brought it home. I didn't get her immdeiate reaction because I couldn't take my eyes off of her or I would have missed something. Nobody had to show her what to do, she knew all by herself.

Amy had to come check it out, Giz was not happy, she did not want to share! Amy would not run away from her and they seem to start a swatting match. You can see Amy is acting so much frisker now. Just before this she was attacking my shoes and having a ball. That Cosequin has done the trick and she shows how much better she feels in how playful she has become. Could be me but I don't think she is as stiff and ridgid as she was although she isn't Limber Lulu, she is moving with more ease than before. Anyway, here she is at Giz's do it yourselfer groomer.

Here is a sunset I got on the river just a few nights before we got off and it is not that far from where I live. I thought it was awesome and I had to get some pictures of it.