OK, so we lost Gabby, Shadow had teeth/mouth surgery, Bo just got out of the hospital, only to have Sable (mom cat) there today. Sadly she has come down with the same throat condition as Gabby. They will be running more tests to try and figure out just what this is and what is causing it. It's all so scary and expensive. If this continues we will have to make some pretty sad decisions and choices. We have over 30 cats and no way can afford vet bills for all. Shadow was over $700, Bo was over $600, Gabby was montly shot of $30, and Blaze has an issue we have to medicate with monthly also.

Unfortunately a lot of our cats are getting up in the years, at least 10 - 13 and more and more will begin to happen. Let's hope Sable has a stronger immune system since she is much younger than Gabby was.

All blood work is coming back fine with all cats. Cultures are a different story.