Delta is doing great. She is doing so much better with potty training than Remy. She knows to go to the door and/or whine and/or scratch to go outside. She knows sit, down, twirl, and is doing amazing at come. She alternates between sleeping in our bed and sleeping in her cage. But usually she wakes up in our bed and we end up putting her in her cage anyways. Everyone LOVES her. She is so funny. She moans and groans if she doesn't get her way. She barks at her bone, we don't know if she does it because she loves it or it annoys her. Lol She starts puppy classes next week. That's the only part I'm worried about. She likes people but she's very cautious around dogs. So I'm hoping puppy classes will help.

Here is the best part PICS!

She refuses to take pictures with people lol

She loves being under the blankets.