My mom talked with my trainer and she had me come out and ride Brook yesterday.

It. Was. Amazing.

I forgot just how much I loved that horse. She was a little bratty, but still willing (after she pooped, lol!) We jumped one small course and then some gymnastics..after jumping the gymnastics a few times, my trainer asked me if I wanted to go higher. I agreed. We jumped that...she asked if I wanted to go higher yet again...I agreed. We went higher once more to finish out the lesson. I thought that at this point, the final jump was maybe 3' or something. I asked my trainer to be sure. Her response? "Oh, the middle one is 3' and the last one's 3'6"."

THREE FOOT SIX. I jumped 3'6". Before this, the highest I'd jumped in the last 2 years was 2'9".

Brook is a MONSTER (seriously, like over 17hh), so the jumps really didn't feel *that* big.

AAAND...the best part about it: I got video.

the rest of my lesson:

Brook and I:

And just for kicks, Snickers (the CUTEST pony alive)