These people behind our house, and off to the left a bit have this 4-6 month old male dog, brown/dark tan in color. Looks as if he could be mixed with a border collie. "Ricky" is his name.
Well Ricky barks ALL THE TIME. The people are home right now, actually. I've peeked though the fence. The kids were playing outside a few hours ago, and he still barks even though someone is out there with him. They'll go "Oh Ricky stop braking. Stop" Oh yeah, that'll show him. You need to stop what you are doing, really mean it when you do tell him to knock it off, and wait and see if he actually DOES STOP, and then reward him when he does not bark.
As most of you have read, my Rita is quite dog aggressive. We have a huge chunk just chewed off our side of the fence that separates out yards. Because this dog sets her off. We have broken branches, because the dog sets her off.
I honestly feel horrible for this dog. Outside ALL DAY, never played with (from what I've noticed), never worked with training wise, and just plain ignored.
I've called animal control, and they sent them a complaint/warning notice. I'm almost positive this is not the first one they've received in the mail. I just got off the phone with them, and asked if someone can go over there and talk to them and see what is going on, and I told them the people are there at the moment. She said I have to fill out the complaint log they sent me at the time they sent my neighbors the warning. I've started the log. The log wants the date/day, start/end time of barking, the duration of the disturbance, etc.
Some people are just NOT meant to be dog owners! Or even pet owners for that matter.

Ugh I have a headache.