I'm just asking because it seems to be popular on Dogster...

I wouldn't mind doing this, but Delta can't have organ meats, which is a big part of raw...

And I'm also wondering what you feed your pups. We have both pups on Chicken Soup. But Remy might have an ear infection, and I don't really want all the grain for the pups, so I'm switching Remy back to TOTW and I'm going to switch Delta to TOTW Pacific streams when she's old enough.

I'm just worried about the purine factor. Everywhere I look says salmon has the same purine level as chicken, so I think it should be okay. And it's 25% protein, which is a little high for dalmatians, but I figure if it's low/medium purine, then protein level shouldn't matter too much. All that matters is the purines, not the protein.

Can you tell I'm a bit obsessive. I spend a lot of time looking for a good food. Lol But I think a lot of good foods are really expensive. 40 dollars for a 30/35 lb bag is about as much as I'm giving... (on a budget of sorts... low on money Lol!)

This is all so stressful, sometimes I just want to go back to Nutro... (What the breeder wants us to feed) because all her dals do great on the lamb and rice... ugh.