Now that Digi is 2.5yrs old & her fur has grown back (I think think it's getting longer & longer still as I'm finding new long hairs every few months).

When Digi was tossed at me at 6 weeks old, the jerk said she was a German Shepherd (GSD)/ Mix. I can't remember if he said another breed or not, but I've always thought Collie cause of her thin head & super tiny forehead...

Currently Digi is about the size of a 40lb dog, but weighs about 25lbs due to her inability to store body fat (shes a hairy skeleton dog). Dig is very much a Herding dog. She tries to control Cam (cat) by nipping at her feet. Digi also loves to jump & flip about when playing fetch. She doesn't walk, she prances. She WILL stare at a toy I'm holding with eyes WIDE open following every movement of the toy with her head. Shes a VERY fast dog. Her tail hair is longer then in the pictures below. Her longest tail hairs are about 1 foot long. He tail now drags on the floor when her tail is down. The tail hair also goes down the side of her back as they are crazy long hairs!! Her elbow hair is the longest hair on her front legs by far. Her butt hair (as I call it) is about 50% of her upper hind leg (remember no body fat = skinny legs)... At the back of her hind leg.. what would be the Heel if she was human, are long hairs.. It's only a tiny section that has those long hairs. She has long hair inbetween her 2 more front toes on all 4 paws. All toenails are covered with hair, but you can often see her front nails through the fur in her front paws as the nails are black & the fur is white. When she is VERY mad (rare), or playing rough with me, her shoulder guard hairs are not just at the shoulder in a small patch.. It's a HUGE section of her back (about a foot square) where ALL that oddly long hair on her back stands up & makes her look like a porcupine. I haven't been able to get a picture of it, as she puts it down as soon as I get the camera