I am greatly saddened to tell you that Lillycat's Nevvie was helped to the Bridge yesterday about 5 pm. No sweeter kitty lived. He was a big, grey tabby. His favorite thing was drinking from the tub spicket, loving his special meowmie, and his heart brother, Indra.

Nevvie was diagnosed with a vaccine induced fibrosarcoma, and underwent 3 surgeries, 4 weeks of radiation and 2 rounds of chemo. Nevvie was offered every medical procedure available to cats and humans alike. A chest xray yesterday revealed that the cancer had metasticized to his lungs, and it was compromising his breathing. Lillycat made the very sad, but most loving decision to send him home. Her heart is broken. Please join me in sending her special thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. Nevvie will be much missed.