Hi Guys,

Been awhile since I've posted. Interference of life and all. Not sure how many people are still around that remember me and Oz, but I thought I'd post to let'em know that Oz has lymphoma. It's a very aggressive cancer, but it seems like there's a high success rate with chemo, if certain factors don't exist. We're still waiting for some test results to ascertain that, but they went ahead and gave him a first round of chemo yesterday.

I can already tell a difference in the size of the lumps and his breathing. He was just outside, barking and chasing Gull all over the yard, and wasn't panting heavily, like he has been this last week. So that seems like a good sign. I'm trying to hold onto a positive outlook at this point, so I won't be a blubbering mess. He's only 7 and a half. Way too young for me to even have to be contemplating life without him yet. I'll try and post updates as they happen.

Couple of recent pics of Oz and Gull experiencing their first snow. Quite a rare occurrence here in Southern Texas, especially in Dec.
