This is a serious post that contains a serious question, so please do not think this is a joke.

Honeygirl is in heat (please do not school me about getting her spayed...I know!) She has been in heat before, but would never let any male dog go "near" her when she was in heat. That was before today. Clearly my aunt's neutered dog tickled her fancy.

Im a little confused and a little freaked out. They seem to have gotten "stuck" together and both were squeeling and yelping as if in pain. They couldn't get separated. I tried to pull them apart, but all that did was make each of them squeel and yelp more. I could clearly see that he was "in" her. I don't know how or why, but they finally separated and afterward Honeygirl ran around barking and such like she does when she is all excited when I come home.

Is this normal and the usual way dog sex happens? I'm a little freaked out about the way they were stuck together. How is that even possible? Please help!
