Hi everyone.

As our little pumpkin nears the two month mark, I've been pondering over just how much I have learned since having a baby. I thought it would be fun if all the moms and dads here could list the new things they learned after having a child. Let's begin.

I learned that pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences a couple can go through together.

I learned that seeing your child for the first time is an experience that is truly difficult to describe.

I learned that I DO have the ability to manage a house, dinner, pets, time with family, and baby at the same time.

I learned that everyone was right...despite my inability to wake up with an alarm clock or the loudest noise, a slight whimper from my child can wake me up.

I learned that breastfeeding does not come as naturally as you'd think at the beginning, but once you and baby figure things out, it comes as naturally as walking.

I learned that you have to be careful when changing a baby boy's diaper, because if you are not fast enough, they can pee without warning, in directions unimaginable to girls. :d

I learned that the day you hear your baby gurgle and say ah-goo for the first time is one of the happiest days of your life.

I learned that you cannot completely understand the love your parents have for you until you have your own child and experience those feelings yourself.

I learned that if I chose not to be a parent, I would have been unknowingly missing out on one of life's greatest joys.

I learned that looking into my baby's eyes as he's fondly staring into mine is enough to make me cry.

I learned that I love being a mom.

I learned that if you have a good relationship with your spouse, dealing with the challenges and joys of parenting together can actually make your bond even stronger.