Based on appearance alone, would you have any of these dogs as the family pet...why/why not?

Just for fun I'm doing a little poll or survey type question about how the appearance of certain dogs makes them either more adoptable or less adoptable.

Also please answer the poll and leave you imput here

Okay so I have 6 dogs here, based on nothing but general appearance (because all 6 have wonderful temperments)
Would you consider any of these 4 dogs as a family pet around your kids? (Or if you don't have kids)

Why or Why not?

Please Comment on EAch dog

(to make it better I'll give each one an Alias name, for the privacy of the owners)

Dog 1: Cinnemon

Dog 2: Ziva

Dog 3: Mischa

Dog 4: Hunter

Dog 5: Trouble

Dog 6: Layla
