Well... that's not exactly true because I can tell you they sure don't enjoy the groomers. hehe Here's just a couple photos I took of Molli and Sam after they went to the groomers. Sorry, none of Springen.... he's living with my brother and I forgot to snap some pics while I was there on Easter.

We just moved into apartments... first I've lived in before. Both the dogs and I are doing some adjusting to not having a yard. I guess more time together since I have to go out and walk them every couple hours. I found a park nearby with a fenced in baseball field that's perfect for fetch. Hopefully we can go when it's done SNOWING!!

Handsome Sam

Molli girl

Are you done taking pictures??

Happy he can actually see without all that fur!!

Sorry for the bad quality.. I just took them with my cell phone. I'll have to take out my nice camera one of these days and take some pics of them.