We have an epidemic going around our place and are at a loss on how to handle it. Numerous cats are coming down with a throat/mouth condition that keeps them from eating and is basically impossible to get rid of. We can keep it under somewhat control with shots from the vet but we’re going broke. The vets have run blood work, throat cultures, etc. and really don’t have a solid answer. We are heartsick over this and fear our next choice will be to have to put some down.

Sable (mom cat) is down to just less than 8 lbs. She goes in Thursday for teeth surgery in hopes this will help clear her mouth some, and in turn will help the throat. Gable was in yesterday and his is worse than the others. We are just beside ourselves on what to do.

We feel fortunate that this is the first time we’ve had a major catastrophe being such a multi-cat household. It’s just all so sad. Have any of you dealt with anything like this, and what would you do if you were in our shoes?