My little Paizly Poo is now a big two year old! Her estimated birthday was either yesterday or today. I keep getting her birthday and Taggarts mixed up since they are just a day apart. But to make my life more simple I'm going to celebrate both of them on May 5th.

Some of you may remember how I got Paizly, but I will tell the brief story for those that don't.
Back at the end of May of 2008 a Pet Talk member posted this picture of a kitten that was brought into the vet where she worked.

I immediately responded and said I'd take her. Then I called my boyfriend and said I'm getting a kitten. Cathy (CathyBogart) was nice enough to hold on to her and make sure she had proper care until we got back from vacation at the beginning of July.
July 7th I brought her home. I honestly thought I did the wrong thing because Taz wanted nothing to do with her. Zoee kept chasing her. And she hid all the time and hardly let us touch her. But each morning I made time to go into her room and just sit there and talk to her.

Now she is the only cat of the house and she is loving it! She has a very close bond with Zoee and will only let Zoee groom her until she is totally soaked all over her head. If Taggart gets close during the grooming she hisses and growls at him.
Each morning when I do my stretches she is all over me. Rubbing up all over my face, making biscuits on my chest. Biting my nose! She has also started a new game. She will bat a toy under the bathroom door while I'm getting ready and wait for me to kick it back out to her. Silly girl!
She sits in her daddy's lap while he works during the day and sleeps right by my tummy each night.

I have been toying with the idea of getting her a playmate. I'm still not sure it will happen. I don't want to turn her life upside down since she is becoming so comfortable.

Happy Birthday Paizly!!